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Displaying 1- 10 of 11 records found
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Former London Chartered Bank

A N Z Bank ,  E S & A Bank

9-11 Malop Street,, GEELONG VIC 3220 - Property No B0255

A large sandstone bank built in 1853 for the London Chartered Bank, the Malop Street frontage is two-storied over a basement with a projection at ground floor level; the steep slope form the street allows the bluestone rear to be four-storied. Classified: 'Local' 27/11/1958 Revised:03/08/1998



Former London Chartered Bank of Australia Clunes

RSL ,  Former E. S. & A. Bank Clunes

Fraser Street, CLUNES VIC 3370 - Property No B1051

RSL (originally London Chartered Bank was designed by architect Leonard Terry and built in 1871. The two storey, stuccoed structure is symmetrical about a projecting porch on Tuscan columns. The porch had a pierced balustrade of circular motifs, repeated under the first floor windows. The ground floor has round-headed openings and import mouldings and there are string courses, cornice and a parapet with dentils above. RSLforms a most distinctive element in the historical ... more



Former London Chartered Bank

Former E S & A Bank ,  ANZ Bank

49-51 Reid Street,, WANGARATTA VIC 3677 - Property No B0297

The first banks in this part of Victoria were in the gold rich town of Beechworth, and the first bank in Wangaratta opened in 1859 in a slab hut. The London Chartered bank opened in the town in about 1871, and built these premises in Reid Street in 1875. The building was designed by the architects Terry and Oakden. Leonard Terry was the most prolific bank architect in Victoria from the mid 1850s until his death in 1884. The bank remained open during the years when Ned ... more



Former London Chartered Bank of Australia

ANZ Bank ,  E.S.& A. Bank

88-90 Bourke Street and Cnr Exhibition Street,, MELBOURNE VIC 3000 - Property No B0468

The London Chartered Bank of Australia was erected in 1870-71. The architect was Leonard Terry. The three storey structure is faced with stone and has recently been extensively renovated and restored. The ground floor was originally chamfered at the corner. An unusual bank by Leonard Terry in that it is three storeys high. With its stone facade, it is a fine example of Terry's delicate style and is indicative of the rigid dictums of conservative classicism in which he ... more



Former London Chartered Bank

342 High Street,, NORTHCOTE VIC 3070 - Property No B5337

Classified: 05/05/1983



Former London Chartered Bank of Australia

Former E.S.& A. Bank

Barkly Street,, ARARAT VIC 3377 - Property No B2125

Classified: 25/05/1967



Former London Chartered Bank of Australia

Former E. S. & A. Bank

51-55 Heygarth Street, ECHUCA VIC 3370 - Property No B1323

Built 1882. First classified: 29/11/1962 Revised classified: Local: 03/08/1998 Part of Historic area: 07/07/1969



Former London Chartered Bank of Australia Dunolly

Former E. S. & A. Bank

72 Broadway, DUNOLLY VIC 3472 - Property No B1049

Former London Chartered Bank is a two storied bank constructed in 1867 to the designs of architect Leonard Terry. The structure has face brickwork with stuccoed details. Roundheaded window and door openings are recessed, resting on a stone plinth, whilst the first floor has window hoods rising from the string course, with a cornice on dentils above. There are twin entrances and iron balustrades to the windows. Former London Chartered Bank is a former bank with important ... more



Former London Chartered Bank

Talbot Street,, MAJORCA VIC 3465 - Property No B3885

A rendered bluestone bank of c.1865 with arched doorway in central projecting bay and slate roof; some demolitions and additions at the rear mar the original design. Classified: 25/08/1977



Former London Chartered Bank of Australia

Former E.S. & A. Bank ,  A.N.Z. Bank

Main Street,, BEEAC VIC 3251 - Property No B0908

The former London Chartered Bank at Ondit, now Beeac, was erected in 1888 to conservative classical designs by Colac architect Alexander Hamilton. Built of cement rendered brick on a dressed bluestone plinth, this small country bank is imposingly ornamented with moulded architraves, balustraded parapet and central door and pedimented entablature. A large residence is located at the rear of the banking chambers. The former London Chartered Bank reflects the prosperity of ... more


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