Former London Chartered Bank of Australia Dunolly

Other Name

Former E. S. & A. Bank


72 Broadway, DUNOLLY VIC 3472 - Property No B1049

File Number




Statement of Significance

Former London Chartered Bank is a two storied bank constructed in 1867 to the designs of architect Leonard Terry. The structure has face brickwork with stuccoed details. Roundheaded window and door openings are recessed, resting on a stone plinth, whilst the first floor has window hoods rising from the string course, with a cornice on dentils above. There are twin entrances and iron balustrades to the windows.

Former London Chartered Bank is a former bank with important historical associations with the famous Welcome Stranger gold nugget, which was sold to the bank, and also with the goldmining era which was a major factor in the history of Dunolly. The former bank is a typical Conservative Classical design and is equally typical of the prodigious output of banks by architect Leonard Terry. The building is an important element in the townscape of Dunolly.

Former London Chartered Bank, Broadway, Dunolly, is in present use as a private residence, is in good condition and is essentially intact.




