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Displaying 1- 10 of 38 records found
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Terrace House

130 Powlett Street,, EAST MELBOURNE VIC 3002 - Property No B2442

Interesting period house. Front contains an assortment of motifs, a nicely proportioned door set and window. Attractive example of cast metal verandah and steps balustrading differing in design from cast metal fencing. A unique brick chimney stack dominates the slate roof. Classified: 29/10/70




85-91 Williamson Street,, BENDIGO VIC 3550 - Property No B4877


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Terrace Houses

1035-1039 Punt Road,, EAST MELBOURNE VIC 3002 - Property No B5913



Corio Terrace (Form) - Geelong Woolstores Historic Area

Geelong Club

74 Brougham Street, GEELONG VIC 3220 - Property No B3771

Designed by Mr C D Figgis as a club in 1888 and still in use as a club, the building has an unusual two storey brick, cast iron and balustraded front verandah on a bluestone base. The separate billiard room is included in the Classification but not the later alterations and additions. Classified :11/12/1975 Revised: 03/08/1998 Statement of Significance: The Geelong Woolstores Conservation Historic Area is one of remarkable coherence and integrity. Standing at the corner ... more




378-382 Bay Street,, PORT MELBOURNE VIC 3207 - Property No B5214


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Austin Hall & Austin Terraces

215-221 Yarra Street, GEELONG VIC 3220 - Property No B3496

Austin Hall & Austin Terraces: Two pairs of single-storey cottages flanking a two-storey building with central clock tower, all in polychrome brickwork with slate roofs and elaborate cast-iron verandah trim, erected 1888 for administration by the Ladies' Benevolent Association. Classified 24/04/1975 See also B3624 Elizabeth Austin Cottages. Group Classification includes Austin Hall, Yarra Street; Austin Terraces, 215-217 Yarra Street and 219-221 Yarra ... more



Terrace Houses

336-338 Dorcas Street,, SOUTH MELBOURNE VIC 3205 - Property No B6765

The pair of terrace houses at 336-338 Dorcas Street, South Melbourne, probably built in the 1880s by a local builder, are of local architectural significance. They are of interest for employing elaborate polychromatic brickwork typically found in structures of the "Boom era" in the 1880s, to decorate a very simple symmetrical elevation of a pair of terraces more characteristic of the 1850s. Classified: 01/12/1997



Terrace House

93-97 Yarra Street, GEELONG VIC 3220 - Property No B3910

Two storey brick and stone terrace of three houses; Nos 93 & 95 rendered on street facade & defaced at ground floor level; No 97 retains stone facade and original classical pilasters flanking panelled door. Classified 10/3/1977 No 97 Demolished August 1981




Melbourne University Square Campus

93-109 Barry Street,, CARLTON VIC 3053 - Property No B2375

93 - 109 Barry Street, Carlton is a collection of terraces built c1860 by various designers. They are of Local significance for historical/social, and architectural reasons. Architecturally, some of the terraces are designed in the manner of Austin & Kursteiner and related practices, especially common of Carlton and Fitzroy (notably 95 and 101). These are characterised by swag-bellied balcony panels, a criss-cross on circle iron frieze over a wooded frieze bar and ... more



Jubilee & Queen's Terraces

118-144 Nott Street,, PORT MELBOURNE VIC 3207 - Property No B4896

A most unusually intact pair of single storey terraced houses built for Alexander Gunn in 1887 and owned by the City of Port Melbourne. Each terrace, built mainly of rendered brick, consists of seven houses, each with a front verandah, and there is a broken roof pediment over the central house and a smaller roof pediment at each end. The slightly concave pattern picket fence with individual spade pickets covers the full length of the fourteen houses and has intermediate ... more


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