National Trust Database - Search Results

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Displaying 1- 10 of 82 records found
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State Offices-Group Classification

1 Macarthur Street,, EAST MELBOURNE VIC 3002 - Property No B7022

The State Public Offices, completed in stages in 1966 and 1969, and designed by Barry Patten of Yuncken Freeman Architects, are architecturally, technically and historically important at the State level. Historically, the scheme was unusual in its sensitivity to the historic context, and was chosen for this reason after a limited competition, despite not conforming to the brief which called for a tower directly behind Treasury Building, one of Melbourne's most admired 19th ... more



RAAF Officers' Mess

Maher Road, LAVERTON VIC 3028 - Property No B5613

This building, designed in 1938 by D B Windebank under H J Mackennal of the Commonwealth Department of the Interior (Works and Services Branch) as part of the pre World War 11 expansion of the RAAF, illustrates the final recognition of the permanent and prominent role of air power in Australia's defence. In contrast to the small scale timber frame informality of earlier structures, this is a substantial structure of red brick and terracotta tile, formally composed around twin ... more



Kilmore Post Office - Group Classificati

2 Powlett Street, KILMORE VIC 3764 - Property No B1092

Part of Group Classification. See also B0728 Court House, B4773 Police Stables. Of architectural importance as one of the first Public Works Department buildings completed uner William Wardell's oversight as the Chief Architect & Commissioner of Works in Victoria from 1860. Wardell was one the colony's most important 19th Century architects. First classified: 7/4/60 Classified: Local



Former Post Office - St. Arnaud Group

2 Napier Street, ST ARNAUD VIC 3478 - Property No B2874

Part of Group Classification with B2569 Court House, B2875 Crown Lands Office, B2879 Lock-up & B2877 Shire Hall.



Shire Office, Post Office & Court House

Cnr Sladen Street & South Gippsland Highway,, CRANBOURNE VIC 3977 - Property No B3438

The former shire office, post office and court house are regionally significant as having embodied many of the town's major historical functions in one building over a long period, longer than most buildings standing in the former Cranbourne Shire today. It is of immense historical importance to the town and among the oldest public buildings in the West Gippsland region. The building is also one of the few 19th century buildings in Cranbourne and hence one of the few reminders of ... more



Shops & Offices

236-252 Brunswick Street,, FITZROY VIC 3065 - Property No B4770

This block of shops and offices, constructed in 1888, is one of the best surviving examples of a boom-style brick commercial premises in Victoria. The building is of a highly individual style incorporating a wide range of distinctive elements. A dominant as well as disntictive structure, the building is a key part of the Brunswick Street streetscape and, visible also from nearby areas, it is a landmark in this part of Melbourne. Added significance lies in the fact that the building ... more



Former Post Office Residence

16 Piper Street, YARRAWONGA VIC 3730 - Property No B3043


File only

Buangor Post Office & General Store

Main Street,, BUANGOR VIC 3375 - Property No B5888


File only

Office Building - Group Classification

100-104 Queen Street,, MELBOURNE VIC 3000 - Property No B6189

Designed by architects A & K Henderson, Alsop & Martin and built in 1923, this building was almost stripped of its stylistic and period detail during renovations in 1936. The building nevertheless provides an important link in the dominantly Greek Revival commercial streetscape in this location. Classified: 09/02/1989 Demolished: c.1990 Recorded as part of a Group for their streetscape value. See also B6188( 94-98 Queen Street), B6190 (106-110 Queen Street), ... more



Former Ballarat State Offices

Ballarat Courthouse

Camp Street,, BALLARAT CENTRAL VIC 3350 - Property No B6863

The former Ballarat State Offices, designed by Percy Everett, Chief Architect of the Public Works Department, and completed in 1941 is of a Regional architecural and historic significance as an impressive moderne style public building in a regional centre. Architecturally, the stepped massing, and vertical articulation displays the infulence of the American interwar "skyscraper" style, which is higly unusual outside the Melbourne city area (the Russell Street Police Headquarters, ... more


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