

609 PARK STREET,, BRUNSWICK VIC 3056 - Property No 2346


Recommended for Heritage Overlay

Statement of Significance

What is significant?
The house at 609 Park Street, Brunswick is significant. The form of the Federation era house is significant, along with the tiled roof, central dormer and balcony, timber joinery and tuck-pointed brickwork. The tessellated tiles to the central footpath entry and timber boundary fence are also significant. The garage and associated driveway are not significant.

How is it significant?
The house is of local aesthetic significance, and has local representative value, to the City of Moreland.

Why is it significant?
With an array of particular features specific to a Federation Queen Anne cottage, largely intact and in excellent condition, the place demonstrates the principal characteristics of this style. (Criterion B) The house features intact examples of finely crafted features to the roof, facade and front landscaping which are associated with this style and demonstrates careful proportioning and massing, to develop a highly pleasing overall aesthetic effect. (Criterion E)


Residential buildings (private)

