Colonial Bank (former)
Bell Street, Yarra Glen VIC 3775

Statement of Significance
The former Colonial Bank at 25 Bell Street, Yarra Glen.
The former Colonial Bank, 25 Bell Street, Yarra Glen is of local historical, aesthetic and social significance.
Of local historical significance as one of only two early banks in the region (the other being the former Commercialf Bank of 1886, corner of Armstrong Grove and Bell Street). RNE criterion A.4
Of aesthetic significance as a late Boom-Style bank and one of the most stately buildings in Yarra Glen.
RNE criterion E.1
Of social significance because it was a focal point for financial dealings in the district.
RNE criterion G.1
A double-storey rendered brick Victorian classical revival bank with an ornate symmetrical façade. The ground floor has plain rusticated walls with a central entrance surmounted by a triangular pediment on console brackets. On either side of the entrance are fixed lower sash windows with hoppers and segmental arched pediments on console brackets. The first floor windows are timber-framed double, hung sashes with pediments arranged to match the ground floor. Above the first floor is a heavily moulded cornice and balustraded parapet with prominent finials.
The single storey rear wing has painted face brick walls with timber-framed double-hung sash windows and a hipped slate roof.
The building is substantially intact with only minor alterations. These include the replacement of the original ground floor windows and door and the infilling of a window opening on the side elevation. Historic photographs indicate the render to the façade was originally unpainted.
Physical Conditions: Excellent