Davis No. 1 & 2 Sawmills
Toorongo VIC 3833

Statement of Significance
The Davis No. 1 and No 2 mill site is of regional significance for its ability to demonstrate the enormous challenges facing sawmilling companies in establishing a successful enterprise in remote and inhospitable locations. Despite the failure of this company, the evidence that survives is of outstanding significance. This site contains an assemblage of site features (including the rare example of a complete stationary steam engine) that is unusual and highly significant. It is also considered to have high archaeological potential, especially the No. 1 mill which is relatively intact.
Davis No. 1 Mill is at AMG 412600 (Easting) 5819400 (Northing) and Davis No. 2 Mill is at AMG 413200 (Easting) 5819200 (Northing).
Physical Conditions: Fair
Integrity: Intact