178-180 Victoria Road, COLDSTREAM VIC 3770 - Property No 6984 / 6985

Statement of Significance
Coowerp and site in Victoria Road, Coldstream.
Coowerp, Victoria Road, Coldstrream, is of local historical and
aesthetic significance.
Of historical significance for its retention of its c.1925 curtilage
being one half of one of three 640 acre allotments purchased by Gilbert
Macintyre in the land sales of 1852, and for its role in the development
of the local cattle industry.Also through its associations with the
prominent Macintyre family and Cora Lynn, the early homestead on the
adjacent property constructed for Thomas Macintyre.
RNE criteria A.4, D.2, H.1
It is of aesthetic significance as a rare example of a remnant early
farm retaining to a large degree an early two-storey homestead
RNE criterion E.1
A double-storey Victorian homestead set on a hill with its front elevation overlooking the Yarra Valley. It has brick walls laid in a garden wall bond to the front elevation and English bond to the sides. The roof is hipped and clad in corrugated iron roof with narrow eaves and simple corbelled brick chimneys. The ground floor of the front elevation retains its original panelled timber front door with sidelights and a fanlight, flanked on either side by a tripartite timber framed double-hung sash window. The house remains broadly intact in terms of its overall form but has been subject to a number of alterations which have resulted in a somewhat austere appearance. The façade was originally screened by a double-storey verandah with cast iron decoration and there is now crudely detailed corrugated iron awning over the front entry. Evidence of the original verandah remains as bricks inserted in the verandah beam pockets to the façade. The verandah floor has been concreted although the original or early stone plinth with slate nosing remains. The glazing to the entry fanlight and sidelights has been replaced and the original windows to the first floor of the front elevation have been replaced by smaller c.1930s windows. The single storey rear wing is a later addition, possibly dating from c.1930. It is designed in a sympathetic manner to the original house and has a wide verandah with returns to both sides.