Cook's Corner Store
2 Kallista-Emerald Road (Corner Grantulla Road), Kallista VIC 3791 - Property No 56977

Statement of Significance
Cook's Corner Store has high local significance as a prominent local landmark from the 1930s, located on an historic corner site at the junction of two major district roads.
The former general store and tearoom is isolated from the small commercial centre of Kallista, and located on the northern boundary of the Sherbrooke Forest Park. Its siting on an intersection and the slope of the surrounding land help to emphasise this building as a local landmark.
The store is a single storey, rectangular plan timber building with a skillion roofed addition to the north-east face and a hipped roof, semi-enclosed verandah to the south-west corner and much of the south facade. The entrance is located at the corner of the historic building, with an additional entrance within the more recent eastern extension. The building is clad with two types of material; timber weatherboards to the verandah line and cement sheet and timber straps to the upper wall and gable end. A timber louvred vent complete with tapered timber surrounds is located beneath the gable apex. The original shopfront windows remain to the south face, including the arts and crafts-inspired tapered window surrounds.
The interior has been substantially altered.
Physical Conditions: Poor
Integrity: Altered