Brick House
90 Bell Street, Yarra Glen VIC 3775 - Property No 38422

Statement of Significance
The former Commercial Bank built in 1886 for prominent local businessman
William C. Farrell, has high local, and possibly regional architectural
significance. It is an unusual bank design, probably by the architect
Leonard John Flannagan that resembles a residence rather than a
traditional bank building. There is no other known Commercial Bank
building in Victoria that is similar in design. The building has local
significance for its associations with William C. Farrell, a prominent
local businessman and hotelier.
The former Commercial Bank, now a private residence, is located on the corner of the Melba Highway and Armstrong Grove. This is a brick building with a colourbond roof, set back from the Highway and accessible from a service road. The brickwork on the front elevation is rendered with an ashlar finish. There is evidence of some modifications to the building over time, but it has a very intact external appearance.
The building appears to have three discrete sections which may all date to the original construction.
There is a small rectangular section with a steep gable roof which protrudes from the front elevation. This is presumed to be the banking chamber, with a central door flanked by windows. It has decorative timber fretwork at the gable end. The second section is the large rectangular main section with hipped roof and a single chimney, presumed to be the original residence. There is a door and two windows at the front elevation of the building. The ashlar finish and timber fretwork is as for the first section (described above). The front and one side (northern) of this section is rendered, but the remaining sides are not, and there are no windows at either side. Thirdlt, there is the small rear square plan section, with a hipped roof and two brick chimneys, probably the original kitchen. The northern elevation is rendered, but the rear (eastern) elevation features a simple diamond-shaped pattern in the brickwork.
A mature conifer is located near the southwestern corner of the building.
Physical Conditions: Good
Integrity: Minor Modifications