Cloverdell Mill
Monkhouse Road (Beenak Road (off fire track) ), Yellingbo VIC 3139 - Property No Pt. of 51915

Statement of Significance
Cloverdell Mill Site, Gembrook is of local significance as evidence of sawmilling activities within the Gembrook area. It is one of only three such sites in this locality and within the Shire to survive (others are Hogan & Kirkpatricks Mill and Russells Mill).
A sawdust chute and bed logs of a breaking down bench are all that remains of this small mill on McCrae Creek. There is a water race parallel to what could have been an incline tramway which appears to lead to an intersection of tramway formations. These features are on private land adjoining the public land on which the mill is sited.
About 500m south of mill site are five terraced landings leading to a large clearing. These may have been stacking areas for timber. A make-up bridge over McCrae Creek also survives. The timber may have been stacked on terraces and then transported by tramway to Woori Yallock. (Supple 1991)
Physical Conditions: Fair
Integrity: Altered