Chateau Wyuna
170 Swansea Road, Mt Evelyn VIC 3796 - Property No 66568

Statement of Significance
Chateau Wyuna, constructed by the artist, Clarence Earle in the 1920s,
has regional significance as an extraordinary and substantially intact
example of "log cabin" arhcitecture. This building type was
popular in the Dandenongs during the colonial era, and as a revival
style later. The four original buildings at Chateau Wyuna were a house,
studio, outside kitchen, and a lodge. The other remaining log cabin at
Mt. Evelyn is Appin built c1929 by James Paton, who helped construct
Earle's cabins. Chateau Wyuna also has historical significance for its
associations with the artist, Clarence Earle. The chapel at Chateau
Wyuna has historical importance as the 1909 weatherboard Montrose Church
of Christ, relocated to the site in 1985.
The two remaining log buildings on this property - the house and a small building (possibly the kitchen) are now part of a complex of buildings that house the restaurant/reception areas at Chateau Wyuna. The house is the most important of the remaining buildings. It is two storey, rectangular in plan, with a gable roof. The house is built of massive logs and adzed beams, set on stone foundations. Externally, these logs have been stained a dark colour. External detailing is largely created by the patterns of the log construction, with some finer detailing such as the narrow half rounds used on the projecting section above the front entry and on the dormer window.
Internally, the building is finely detailed with inbuilt furniture a feature of most of the rooms: for example, in the upstairs bedrooms, the cupboards and drawers are finished with a small bent branch as a handle. Ironwork used for door hinges and other fittings is also a feature. An internal balcony enables a view over one of the ground floor lounge rooms. The fireplaces are also a feature, massive in size and built of elaborate stonework. As well as the influence of European traditional styles, there is also an oriental influence evident in the balustrading along the ground floor balcony.
This large log building has now been linked to a small building (external kitchen) by a small addition. A large building has also been built to the rear of the original house, and linked with it internally.
These buildings are set within a mature garden setting, edged by the remnant bushland along Olinda Creek. Recently, the Montrose Church of Christ has been relocated to the grounds of Chateau Wyuna. It is a simple timber church in the Gothic style, retaining its fenestration, enclosed entry porch, roof vents and gable detailing.
Physical Conditions: Excellent
Integrity: Minor Modifications