California Bungalows
419-425 Main Street, LILYDALE VIC 3140 - Property No 4221/2/3/4

Statement of Significance
Californian bungalows at 419-425 Main Street, Lilydale (four houses).
The Californian bungalows, 419-425 Main Street, Lilydale are of
localaesthetic and historic significance.
Of aesthetic significance as a group of substantially intact early
1920sCalifornian bungalows.
Of historic significance because they demonstrate Lilydale's
transitionfrom solely a holiday destination, to a more suburban
residential areain the 1920s.
RNE criterion E.1
419 Main Street: weatherboard and roughcast walls. A gable roof with terracotta roof tiles, timber shingle infill and attic storey. The gable over the front verandah is supported on timber posts (possibly non-original). The verandah details appear to have been replaced. Windows are multi-pane with projecting architrave with bracketed sills. The window frames appear recent and the original front door replaced.
421 Main Street: An asymmetrical single storey weatherboard California bungalow with a gabled roof clad in glazed terracotta tiles. A broad gable with a ventilator projects over the front verandah supported by paired pre-cast concrete colonnettes resting on rendered piers with capping. The windows to the front elevation are tripartite comprising a central fixed sash flanked by four-pane timber double hung sashes. Simple, tall rendered chimneys. The lynch gate is recent. There is a random rubble stone fence.
423 Main Street: A weatherboard bungalow with a glazed terracotta tiled jerkin head gable roof with an attic storey and timber shingle infill. A transverse gabled roof extends forward over the front verandah with exposed rafters, supported by four grouped timber posts resting on rendered capped masonry piers. There are projecting window frames with bracketed sills, tripartite casement sashes with multi-pane upper lights.
425 Main Street: An asymmetrical single-storey bungalow with weatherboard and roughcast rendered walls. Gabled terracotta tiled roof with exposed rafters, ventilator and roughcast infill. Simple roughcast rendered chimneys with brick capping. The gable over the front verandah is supported by timber posts on rendered piers. Circular lead-light window flank the main entry window to front with a terracotta tiled hood, tripartite casement window with multi-pane upper lights. The lynch gate and picket fence are recent. Modern weatherboard addition to rear only partially visible from street.
All house in good condition and substantially intact.