Butterfield Park & Kidds Bridge
Emerald - Monbulk Road, Monbulk VIC 3793 - Property No S03558

Statement of Significance
Butterfield Park includes the Kidds Bridge area (as far west as Rankins Rd), the park, wildlife reserve (as far as its eastern border), and Woori Yallock Creek within this area and the top of Menzies Creek as far as Emerald-Monbulk Road. Features in the area include mining relics, shafts and water races, two log cabins near Kidds Bridge, a log loading bay from early logging activities, cast iron boilers which may have been associated with the Bosisto eucalyptus oil distillery, and oaks from the old Watson Homestead which is on Woori Yallock Creek in the wildlife reserve. Kidds Bridge was the old centre of the Emerald goldfield and is believed to have been the site of the first gold find (1851) in the area. It contains the graves of children from the Kirkpatrick and Stuart families (1880s).