Britannia Creek Tramway Sawmill Site 2
Britannia Creek VIC 3799

Statement of Significance
Established early in the century, technologically innovative, a social centre and district landmark, this site is of high regional significance in spite of the relatively paucity of surviving relics. (Supple 1991)
Extensive sawdust heap (90m by 30m and up to 15m high), divided by Britannia Creek. Some timber spars are embedded in the sawdust heap, and several large tree stumps stand at its edge. (Supple 1991)
Artefacts were also observed at the probable mill site on the north bank of the creek and consisted of metal fittings, iron rail, timber and several deep trenches A boiler was observed on the tramway above the mill in 1985. (Stamford et al 1984; Vines (1985)
Physical Conditions: Fair
Integrity: Altered