Victorian War Heritage Inventory

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Displaying 97221 - 97240 of 99091 records found
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Click on Name of Honour Roll to see information about the honour roll including other names.
Surname Initial of First Name Name of Honour Roll Other Information Town
WILTON RH Essendon Area Honour Roll (First World War) (A-H) ESSENDON
WILTSHIRE ? All Saints Anglican Church Honour Roll (Terang) (First World War) TERANG
WILTSHIRE ?S Longerenong College Honour Roll (Second World War) (Part B)
WILTSHIRE ARL Australasia Bank Honour Roll (351 Collins Street, Melbourne) (First World War) MELBOURNE
WILTSHIRE C Carrum Mechanics Hall (then Carrum RSL) Honour Roll (First World War) NAR NAR GOON
WILTSHIRE G Terang MUIOOF Lodge Honour Roll (First World War) TERANG
WILTSHIRE G Bostock District Honour Roll (First World War) BOSTOCKS CREEK
WILTSHIRE GH All Saints Anglican Church Honour Roll (Terang) (First World War) TERANG
WILTSHIRE HI Murrayville Honour Roll (First World War) MURRAYVILLE
WILTSHIRE J Cranbourne State School Honour Roll (First World War) CRANBOURNE
WILTSHIRE JA Lang Lang Honour Roll (First World War) LANG LANG
WILTSHIRE JS Dookie Agricultural College Honour Roll (Second World War) DOOKIE COLLEGE
WILTSHIRE R Murrayville Honour Roll (First World War) MURRAYVILLE
WILTSHIRE R Cranbourne State School Honour Roll (First World War) CRANBOURNE
WILTSHIRE RJ Macedon Hall Honour Roll (Second World War) MACEDON
WILTSHIRE W Diapur State School Honour Roll (First World War) (Part A) NHILL
WILTSHIRE WH Murrayville Honour Roll (First World War) MURRAYVILLE
WILTSHISE C Dandenong Town Hall Honour Roll (Part A) (Part B) (Part C) DANDENONG
WIMMER EM Melbourne and Metropolitan Tramways Board Workshops Honour Roll (Second World War) ARMADALE
WINBERG CC Lilydale Shire Honour Roll (First World War) LILYDALE
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Further information about heritage sites in Victoria can be found on the Victorian War Heritage Inventory maintained by Heritage Victoria or the Royal Historical Society of Victoria (RHSV) Memorials Database maintained by the RHSV . The War Memorials in Australia database may also be useful.

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