Victorian War Heritage Inventory

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Displaying 95841 - 95860 of 99091 records found
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Click on Name of Honour Roll to see information about the honour roll including other names.
Surname Initial of First Name Name of Honour Roll Other Information Town
WILLIAMS B Traralgon State School Honour Roll (First World War) TRARALGON
WILLIAMS B Australasia Bank Honour Roll (351 Collins Street, Melbourne) (First World War) MELBOURNE
WILLIAMS B Ballarat Base Hospital Honour Roll (First World War) nurse BALLARAT NORTH
WILLIAMS B Beaufort-Ripon Shire Honour Roll (First World War) BEAUFORT
WILLIAMS B. Snake Valley Hall District Honour Roll (First World War) SNAKE VALLEY
WILLIAMS B?loowyn St Paul's Cathedral Honour Roll (Melbourne) (First World War) sister MELBOURNE
WILLIAMS BERTIE G Benalla Methodist Church Honour Roll (First World War) BENALLA
Williams Bertie G Stained Glass Window at Benalla Methodist Church Benalla
WILLIAMS BP Foster and District Honour Roll (Second World War) FOSTER
WILLIAMS C Woolshed State School (SS1900) Honour Roll (First World War) ELDORADO
WILLIAMS C Clunes Uniting Church Honour Roll (First World War) CLUNES
WILLIAMS C Kooreh Memorial Hall Honour Roll KOOREH
WILLIAMS C Broughton District Honour Roll (First World War) BROUGHTON
WILLIAMS C Diapur State School Honour Roll (First World War) (Part A) NHILL
WILLIAMS C Peechember West State School Honour Roll (First World War) BROUGHTON
WILLIAMS C Netherby Methodist Church Honour Roll NHILL
WILLIAMS C Derrinallum and Vite Vite Honour Roll (First World War) DERRINALLUM
WILLIAMS C Moondarra Honour Roll (First World War) MOE
WILLIAMS C Winslow Honour Roll (First World War) MORTLAKE
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Further information about heritage sites in Victoria can be found on the Victorian War Heritage Inventory maintained by Heritage Victoria or the Royal Historical Society of Victoria (RHSV) Memorials Database maintained by the RHSV . The War Memorials in Australia database may also be useful.

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