Victorian War Heritage Inventory

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Displaying 3241 - 3260 of 99091 records found
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Click on Name of Honour Roll to see information about the honour roll including other names.
Surname Initial of First Name Name of Honour Roll Other Information Town
BACKLUND WM Warragul and District Honour Roll (First World War) (Part A)
BACKMAN A Crossover State School Honour Roll (First World War) CROSSOVER
BACKMAN A Warragul and District Honour Roll (First World War) (Part A)
BACKMAN NJ Patho State School Honour Roll PATHO
BACKMAN NJ Patho Uniting Church Hall Honour Roll (Vietnam War) PATHO
BACKMAN PS Kew Anglican Church Stained Glass Window KEW
BACKMAN WJ Yallourn State Electricity Commission (SEC) Honour Roll (Second World War) NEWBOROUGH
BACON A Dorcas Street State School Honour Roll (South Melbourne) (First World War) SOUTH MELBOURNE
BACON AL Warrnambool State School Honour Roll (First World War) WARRNAMBOOL
BACON AL Bruarong State School Honour Roll BRUARONG
BACON AL Kiewa RSL Honour Roll (Yackandandah) (Appendix) KIEWA
BACON AL Old State College Stained Glass Window (University of Melbourne) (First World War) PARKVILLE
BACON AW Prahran RSL Honour Roll (First World War) (Part A) PRAHRAN
BACON AW Edgecombe State School Honour Roll (First World War) KYNETON
BACON D Woolshed State School (SS1900) Honour Roll (First World War) ELDORADO
BACON FD Beechworth Anglicans Honour Roll (First World War) BEECHWORTH
BACON FL Alphington St Jude's Honour Roll (First World War) FAIRFIELD
BACON GR Kamarooka Honour Roll (Second World War) KAMAROOKA
BACON GR Hunter District Honour Roll (Second World War) HUNTER
BACON L Woodford State School Honour Roll Lt WOODFORD
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Further information about heritage sites in Victoria can be found on the Victorian War Heritage Inventory maintained by Heritage Victoria or the Royal Historical Society of Victoria (RHSV) Memorials Database maintained by the RHSV . The War Memorials in Australia database may also be useful.

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