Victorian War Heritage Inventory

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Displaying 2961 - 2980 of 99091 records found
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Click on Name of Honour Roll to see information about the honour roll including other names.
Surname Initial of First Name Name of Honour Roll Other Information Town
ATTENBOROUGH S Warragul State School Honour Roll (First World War) WARRAGUL
ATTENBOROUGH S Warragul Shire Honour Roll (First World War) (Part B) WARRAGUL
ATTFIELD E Prahran RSL Honour Roll (First World War) (Part A) PRAHRAN
ATTLEY WL Ivanhoe Baptist Church Honour Roll (First World War) IVANHOE
ATTREE CW CBC Bank Honour Roll (Collins Street, Melbourne) (First World War) (Part A) NAR NAR GOON
ATTREE NF Kew Carey Baptist Grammar School Honour Roll (Second World War) KEW
ATTRILL LH CBC Bank Honour Roll (Collins Street, Melbourne) (Second World War) (Part B) NAR NAR GOON
ATTRILL W Garfield Honour Roll (Second World War)
ATTWATER J Eaglehawk St Peter's Anglican Church Honour Roll (First World War) EAGLEHAWK
ATTWELL A Drouin South Honour Roll (Second World War) DROUIN SOUTH
ATTWELL AL Drouin Honour Roll (Second World War) (A-Z)
ATTWELL J Drouin South Honour Roll (Second World War) DROUIN SOUTH
ATTWELL S Drouin South Honour Roll (Second World War) DROUIN SOUTH
ATTWELL SL Drouin Honour Roll (Second World War) (A-Z)
ATTWILL RF 388 Collins Street Melbourne English, Scottish and Australian Bank Honour Roll (First World War) MELBOURNE
ATTWOOD AR Tatura Church of England Honour Roll (Second World War) TATURA
ATTWOOD J Bacchus Marsh High School Honour Roll (Second World War) BACCHUS MARSH
ATWELL A. Snake Valley Hall District Honour Roll (Second World War) SNAKE VALLEY
ATWELL RA CBC Bank Honour Roll (Collins Street, Melbourne) (Second World War) (Part B) NAR NAR GOON
ATWELL WK Darlington Soldier Settlers Honour Roll (Second World War) DARLINGTON
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Further information about heritage sites in Victoria can be found on the Victorian War Heritage Inventory maintained by Heritage Victoria or the Royal Historical Society of Victoria (RHSV) Memorials Database maintained by the RHSV . The War Memorials in Australia database may also be useful.

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