Victorian War Heritage Inventory

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Displaying 2121 - 2140 of 99091 records found
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Click on Name of Honour Roll to see information about the honour roll including other names.
Surname Initial of First Name Name of Honour Roll Other Information Town
ANSON ... Myall School Honour Roll MYALL
ANSON A Daylesford State School Honour Roll (First World War) DAYLESFORD
ANSON A Daylesford Uniting Church Honour Roll (First World War) DAYLESFORD
ANSON CE Port Campbell Honour Roll PORT CAMPBELL
ANSON JW Camperdown Presbyterian Church Honour Roll (First World War) CAMPERDOWN
ANSON RT Carapook Honour Roll (Second World War) CARAPOOK
ANSON T Burkes Bridge State School Honour Roll (Second World War) COHUNA
ANSON W Burkes Bridge State School Honour Roll (Second World War) COHUNA
ANSON W Kerang Shire Honour Roll (First World War) (Part C) KERANG
ANSON WJ Noble Park Public Hall Honour Roll (Second World War) NOBLE PARK
ANSONdeVINCER FG Prahran RSL Honour Roll (First World War) (Part B) PRAHRAN
ANSTEE DR Bairnsdale District Honour Roll (First World War) (A-Z) BAIRNSDALE
ANSTEY A Moe State School Honour Roll (First World War) MOE
ANSTEY A Narracan Shire Honour Roll (First World War) (Part A) NARRACAN
ANSTEY A Tanjil South State School Honour Roll (First World War) TANJIL SOUTH
ANSTEY AJE Moe Holy Trinity Anglican Church Honour Roll (First World War) MOE
ANSTEY C Tanjil South State School Honour Roll (First World War) TANJIL SOUTH
ANSTEY CZE Moe Holy Trinity Anglican Church Honour Roll (First World War) MOE
ANSTEY E Eildon Honour Roll
ANSTEY EFE Melbourne and Metropolitan Tramways Board Honour Roll (Second World War) ARMADALE
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Further information about heritage sites in Victoria can be found on the Victorian War Heritage Inventory maintained by Heritage Victoria or the Royal Historical Society of Victoria (RHSV) Memorials Database maintained by the RHSV . The War Memorials in Australia database may also be useful.

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