Stained Glass Window at Melbourne Wesley Uniting [formerly Methodist] Church



Lonsdale Street, Melbourne, MELBOURNE CITY, 3000

Local Government Area:


Heritage Type:

Memorial Artwork, Window



Honour Roll


For God & Our Men


Chaplains on Active Service 1914-1918 Victoria and Tasmania Conference

Description & History

Instead of installing an Honour Roll in timber, Opus Sectile or marble, a few churches chose the inscribe the names of their servicemen on a stained glass window as a commoration. Wesley Church needed two windows to record all the names of the men and women from the church who enlisted, as well as this one that lists the names of the Victorian and Tasmanian Methodist ministers who went on active service. The three together form a suite of elegant windows, simply designed with a scroll of names against a quarry background. In the arch at the head of the window is the Dove of the Holy Spirit above crossed flags - the Union Jack and the Australian flag - and the open Bible. It is one of the few occasions when the clergy were remembered in such a public and permanent way. See a personal memorial in stained glass to Padre James A. Gault atCamberwell Methodist (now Uniting) Church.

The Honour Roll lists the following names: Rev. A. Holden Rev. A.P. Bladen Rev. E.B. Bond Rev. F.T. Cleverdon Rev. A.H. Mitchell Rev. T.T.Webb Rev. W. Richards Rev. E. Nye Rev. J.A. Gault Rev. V.R. Bradbury Rev. T.C. Rentoul Rev. F.C. Bremer Rev. F.G. Lewis Rev. W.C.L. Peart and Rev. Trigge Naval.

Conflicts Commemorated:

First World War 1914-18


Brooks, Robinson & Co


Names on Honour Roll

Surname Given Name
Deceased Info
Holden A N Chaplain
Bladen AP N Chaplain
Bond EB N Chapalin
Cleverdon FT N Chaplain
Mitchell AH N Chaplain
Webb TT N Chaplain
Richards W N Chaplain
Nye E N Chaplain
Gault JA N Chaplain
Bradbury VR N Chaplain
Rentoul TC N Chaplain
Bremer FC N Chaplain
Lewis FG N Chaplain
Peart WCL N Chaplain
Trigge N Chaplain (Navy)