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Stained Glass Window at Ballarat Wesley Methodist Church



Lydiard Street South, Ballarat, BALLARAT CITY, 3350

Local Government Area:


Heritage Type:

Memorial Artwork, Window



David Angel of Mons Angel of the Resurrection Christ, the Hope of the World


[Left to right] I come in the name of the Lord of Hosts My God hath sent his Angel "He is not there He is risen" The Hope of the World "Come unto Me"


1914-1919 [LH] Messines Bullecourt Peronne Gaba Tepe Flers-Pozieres Suvla Bay Lone Pine Honor to the 225 brave sons of this church who in the hour of peril went forth to the Great War [RH] Bapaume Somme Ypres Paschendale Palestine Southtin[?] Villers Bretoneux(sic) To the Glory of God whose mighty hand brought us Victory Peace and Honour (From left to right) [1] David Hastings Forward A memorial gift in the name of Charles Edward and Emily Grainger Presented by their family [2] The Angel of Mons A memorial gift in the name of George Francis and Harry Tippett Father and Son Presented by his widow [3] The Angel of Resurrection A memorial gift in the name of Isaiah and Anna Maria Pearce Presented by the family [4] The Hope of the Worlds A memorial gift in the name of David Cooke Presented by his widow and son

Description & History

In July 1919, the Trustees of the Lydiard Street church launched an appeal for a permanent memorial to the men who 'responded to the call in the hour of dark need' and the Reverend Wil Vawdon suggested that one window should honour the men who died. Preliminary sketches of subjects suggested by Reverend Vawdon were drawn up by one of the teachers at the Ballarat School of Mines, Miss Amalie Feild, for a £75 fee. The Trustees then called for tenders to make and install the windows, to be known as the Peace, Honor and Victory Memorial. The Principal of the Art School, Herbert H. Smith, recommended that Melbourne artist, William Montgomery's tender (£809, and not the cheapest) be accepted as the firm was considered 'likely to produce the most artistic and satisfactory job'. A late tender from FJ Tarrant of Sydney undercut this price considerably and the interstate tender was accepted. After several problems along the way, the window was unveiled by Senator HW Elliott DSO, CBCMG, DCM, on 5 December 1920.

The two central lights of the window contained a list of the names of the men- Angel of Mons window: A.H. Briant A. Bremer H. Bennett G. Bishop O. Cornell P.E. Coltman C.S. Coltman MC S. Close A.H. Dowsing J.T. Dixon H.T. Ewart J.L. Groat MM A.L.M. Greenwood J. Gilbert E.W. Hauser P.J. Hodgetts H. Hart G. Jewkes T. Jones J.V. Jolly; Angel of the Resurrection window: T.E.C. Keast J.A. McDonald L. Oringe A. Paulig H.J. Paulig J.W. Pearce D.R. Stanley H.E. Stanley G. Stevens M.A. Thistlethwaite J. Trevan H. Troon R. Tremaine DCM G.P. Thistlethwaite T.F. Vawdrey M. Walker T.A. Williams B.J. Warren H. Yates A. Yates

References & Acknowledgements

Argus, 6 December 1920, p.8; Correspondence file, archives of the Lydiard Street Uniting Church, Ballarat.

With grateful thanks to Mrs. Joan Ogilvie, Archivist.

Year Construction Ended:


Conflicts Commemorated:

First World War 1914-18


Feild, Amalie , Tarrant, F. J.

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Names on Honour Roll

Surname Given Name
Deceased Info
Briant AH Y
Bremer A Y
Bennett H Y
Bishop G Y
Cornell O Y
Cottman PE Y
Cottman CS Y MC
Close S Y
Dowsing AH Y
Dixon JT Y
Ewart HT Y
Groat JL Y
Greenwood ALM Y
Gilbert J Y
Hauser EW Y
Hodgetts PJ Y
Hart H Y
Jewkes G Y
Jones T Y
Jolly JV Y
Keast TEC Y
McDonald JA Y
Oringe L Y
Paulig A Y
Pearce JW Y
Stanley DR Y
Stanley HE Y
Stevens G Y
Thistlethwaite MA Y
Trevan J Y
Troon H Y
Tremaine R Y
Thistlethwaite GP Y
Vawdrey TF Y
Walker M Y
Williams TF Y
Warren BJ Y
Yates H Y
Yates A Y