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Stained Glass Window at Camperdown St. Paul's Anglican Church



Corner Church and Ferguson Streets, Camperdown, CORANGAMITE SHIRE, 3260

Local Government Area:


Heritage Type:

Memorial Artwork, Window



St. George


Ye shall receive a crown of glory that fadeth not away


[Plaque] To the glory of God in memory of men of this parish who died on active service in the Great War 1914-18 [List of 21 names] "Their Duty Done They Rest with God"

Description & History

Mr. John Manifold had personal knowledge of Montgomery's abilities through the commissioning of memorial windows for Geelong Grammar School and he recommended to the vicar, the Rev. Ernest Yeo and the Secretary of Vestry, Mr. HO Nevitt that thememorial windowbe entrusted to him. Discussions began in 1925, but the window was not completed and dispatched until October 1926, in time for installation before Armistice Day. The delay was undoubtedly due to Montgomery's illness in March and April that seriously disrupted the scheduling of many new designs.

This was one of several designs from this period onwards that showed little of Montgomery's 'hand'. The cartoon of a dynamic St. George was almost certainly drawn up by Napier Waller, and was quite unlike Montgomery's usual calmly gazing figures. The border design, ribbon scroll and selections of glass colour were probably chosen by David Gibson, as they foreshadow later windows made by his firm, Mathieson & Gibson, in the 1930s and 1940s. The window cost £126.12.8 plus £2.5.0 for extras and a brass plaque, quoted at £40, was later reduced to £36.

The window was dedicated by Archdeacon Bennett of Warrnambool, at a special service at St. Paul's, Camperdown in April 1927. The brass tablet was not installed until 1927 and unveiled on the eve of Anzac Day. The following names were inscribed: A.G. Bamford; E.R. Bregenzer; J.H. Brown; G.C. Brown; R.H. Dabb; G.A. Cowley; E.T. Harrison; H.D. Jackson; W.H. Manifold; A. McCann Millar: E.A. Miller; F. O'Neill; J. Paisley; C.D. Parker; G.E. Plowman; T. Rawlinson; C. Ruggles; M.F. Sampson; R. Spearing; F.O.T. Wilson; J.R. Wright. When the Rev. Ernest Yeo sent the original list to Montgomery he asked that space be left so that other names might be added should they find omissions had been inadvertently made.

References & Acknowledgements

Argus, 27 April 1927, p.24; Letterbooks 2/156 National Gallery of Australia Research Collection, Canberra ACT.

Letters from John Manifold to Montgomery 29 May 1925, from H.O. Nevitt 22 May 1925, 8 November 1926, 7 December 1926, 4 April 1927, 9 May 1927, 8 June 1927; from Ernest S. Yeo 18 March 1927; Account from M. Napier Waller for cartoon of 'St. George', 3 June 1926; Montgomery 1926 diary; Folio 219, 221, 224 Montgomery ledger: William Montgomery Collection, State Library of Victoria.

Year Construction Ended:


Conflicts Commemorated:

First World War 1914-18


Montgomery, William

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Names on Honour Roll

Surname Given Name
Deceased Info
Bamford AG Y
Bregenzer ER Y
Brown JH Y
Brown GC Y
Bass RH Y
Cowley GA Y
Harrison ET Y
Jackson HD Y
Manifold WH Y
McCann Millar A Y
Millar EA Y
O'Neill F Y
Paisley J Y
Parker CG Y
Plowman GE Y
Rawlinson T Y
Ruggles C Y
Sampson MF Y
Spearing R Y
Wilson FOT Y
Wright JR Y