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Stained Glass Window at Sorrento St. John's Anglican Church



3466 Point Nepean Road, Sorrento, MORNINGTON PENINSULA SHIRE, 3943

Local Government Area:


Heritage Type:

Memorial Artwork, Window







[Plaque] This window and tablet are dedicated to the Glory of God and in thankful remembrance of A Boxhall+; C.W. Brumby+; J. Brown; H.G. Carleton; E.A. Erlandsen; T.B. Erlandsen; F.W. Eldred; A.S. Ford; J. Flatley; W. Finney; J.M. Hall; J. Horton+; A.G. Hibbert+; S.C. Hibbert+; J.E. Hibbert; F.E. Hibbert; A.E. Jeffreys; T. Morce; A. Morce; R.I. Mathisen; A.E. Skelton; W. Skelton; C.A. Trenwith+; W.A. Trenwith; R. Thompson; H.F. Thompson; J.H. Watts+; G.N. Watts; E.J. Watts; E.G. White; W.G. White Who served in the European War

Description & History

In a letter to Reverend WH Henderson on 11 April 1919 enclosing his quotes for a Great War memorial window, stained glass artist William Montgomery (1850-1927) estimated £60 for a Crucifixion, or £50 if simpler in form 'without the other figures'. Montgomery estimated £20 for a cast bronze tablet inset with the names of servicemen in beaten copper panels. Work started immediately and by June Montgomery was able to inform the vicar that it was progressing well, despite his concern that 'if the [gas] strike continues we will not be able to get [the glass] in the kiln [to fire the glass paint]'.

A Faculty for the window and tablet was issued on 12 June 1919 by Archbishop Henry Lowther Clark. At a service in November 1919, attended by returned servicemen who were lead to the church by the Sorrento band, Archbishop Clark consecrated the window and unveiled the large brass tablet bearing the names of soldiers below the window. Montgomery's account for £62.10.0 was issued on 15 October, and paid on 1 December.

References & Acknowledgements

Argus, 4 November 1919, p.8; Letterbook 1/900, NGA Research Collection, Cambera ACT.

Year Construction Ended:


Conflicts Commemorated:

First World War 1914-18


Montgomery, William

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Names on Honour Roll

Surname Given Name
Deceased Info
Boxhall A Y
Brumby CW Y
Brown J N
Carleton HG N
Erlandsen EA N
Erlandsen TB N
Eldred FW N
Ford AS N
Flatley J N
Finney W N
Hall JM N
Horton J Y
Hibbert AG Y
Hibbert SC Y
Hibbert JE N
Hibbert FE N
Jeffreys AE N
Morce T N
Morce A N
Mathison RI N
Skelton AE N
Skelton W N
Trenwith CA Y
Trenwith WA N
Thompson R N
Thompson HF N
Watts JH Y
Watts GN N
Watts EJ N
White EG N
White WG N