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Stained Glass Window at Geelong St. George's Presbyterian Church



Latrobe Terrace, Geelong, GREATER GEELONG CITY, 3220

Local Government Area:


Heritage Type:

Memorial Artwork, Window



Crown of Life


Thine O Lord is the greatness and the power and the glory, and the victory and the majesty


[Plaque] This window is dedicated to the Fallen Connor AA Campbell NL Campbell AL Howarth G Jones C Littlechild LM McLean A McLean V Moreton AH Nicholson R Neilson CO Palmer E Paterson L Sadler N Stephens L Smith L Thomas JR Wilson R Young G Zimmer WH

Description & History

The Argus reported the intention of the congregation to perpetuate the memory of the fallen soldiers who enlisted by installing a commemorative window and also an honour roll with the names of those members who served. On Sunday 11 December 1921 the window and two brass tablets were unveiled by Brigadier-General Robert Smith during a special memorial service conducted by the Chaplain-General, the Rev. JL Rentoul. In the 1920s thefigure of the Australian soldier,instead of a saint or a Roman soldier, was only just beginning to find acceptance in church windowsand the stained glass artist, William Montgomery (1850-1927) went to some lengths to ensure that details of sress and weaponry were corrrect in every detail. Montgomery's preliminary sketches of the Australian army slouch hat and the rifle that both lie beside the knee of the uniformed soldier in the left-hand light can be found in the Montgomery collection at the State Library of Victoria.

References & Acknowledgements

Argus, 20 September 1921, p.14; 12 December 1921, p.11; [J.E. McNair], One Hundred Years 1860-1960, St. George's Presbyterian Church, Geelong, 1960, pp.15-16; William Montgomery Collection, State Library of Victoria (uncatalogued)

Year Construction Ended:


Conflicts Commemorated:

First World War 1914-18


Montgomery, William

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Names on Honour Roll

Surname Given Name
Deceased Info
Connor AA Y
Campbell NL Y
Campbell AL Y
Howarth G Y
Jones C Y
Littlechild LM Y
McLean A Y
McLean V Y
Moreton A Y
Nicholson R Y
Neilson CO Y
Palmer E Y
Paterson L Y
Sadler N Y
Stephens L Y
Smith L Y
Thomas JR Y
Wilson R Y
Young G Y
Zimmer WH Y