Stained Glass Window at Mentone St. Augustine's Anglican Church



90-92 Como Parade West, Mentone, KINGSTON CITY, 3194

Local Government Area:


Heritage Type:

Memorial Artwork, Window



St. Alban


St. Alban


Pro Deo et Patria Men of the parish who volunteered and served in the Great European War 1914-1918 [list of 70 names]

Description & History

St. Alban, first English martyr, was an appropriate choice of subject for a First World War memorial and Brooks, Robinson produced several versions for churches in the post-war period. The window was unveiled during a service on Sunday 16 December 1917 with 61 names inscribed. The window now has 70 names, suggesting that a supplementary group was added after the cessation of hostilies. During his sermon the Reverend WR Cooling paid tribute to 'the heroism and devotion of our soldiers' especially those who 'laid down their lives' and made a stirring appeal for reinforcements for the Australian men at the front.

The dedication included the following names: G.W. Akerman A.R.G. Anderson+ F.E. Ashton+ H.V. Bignell J.W. Bignell F. Bird+ E.J. Caldwell G. Caulfield W.S. Caulfield+ E.C. Chenny L.P. Cowen+ R.C. Curnow H.P. Curwen C.J.S. Davies E. Davis S. Davis K.C.D. Dawson H.H. Draper C.E. Droop+ H.A. Droop L.C. Edwards G.V. Fethers W.E. Fox S.O. Gillespie E.J. Green W.H. Green H.V. Greenwood F.W. Hearnden W.H. Hearnden G.O. Higgins R.A. Hubble C.W. Janssen+ E.V. Janssen+ C.G. Keefer+ O.J. Lawson L. Maddison C.F.R. Martin F.G. Mason J.V. Mason C.A. May A. Muir T. McDermott F.J. H. Newton G.L. Newton L.L. Newton F.W. O'Mara G. O'Mara+ E.C. Pepper M.H. Rogers S.J. Sageman S.H. Simpson+ R. Smith+ W.G. Sones J. Stanmore W.J. Stephens+ H.A.G. Tause+ W.G. Taylor+ A.L. Thomas+ F.W. Thomas+ S.C. Thomas E.L. Townsend C. West+ E.J. West R.H. West A.S. Wilson+ P.R. Woodman C.H. Zichy-Woinaski C.A. Ricketts

References & Acknowledgements

Church of England Messenger, 11 July 1919, p.942; Moorabbin News, 22 December 1917, p.4.

Year Construction Ended:


Conflicts Commemorated:

First World War 1914-18


Dancey, George H , Brooks, Robinson & Co


Names on Honour Roll

Surname Given Name
Deceased Info
Akeman GW N
Anderson ARG Y
Ashton FE Y
Bignell HV N
Bignell JW N
Bird F Y
Caldwell EJ N
Caulfield G N
Caulfield WS Y
Chenny EC N
Cowan LP Y
Curnow RC N
Curwen HP N
Davies CJS N
Davis E N
Davis S N
Dawson KCD N
Draper HH N
Droop CE Y
Droop HA N
Edwards LC N
Fethers GV N
Fox WE N
Gillespie SO N
Green EJ N
Green WH N
Greenwood HV N
Hearnden FW N
Hearnden WH N
Higgins GO N
Hubble RA N
Janssen CW Y
Janssen EV Y
Keefer CG Y
Lawson OJ N
Maddison L N
Martin CFR N
Mason FG N
Mason JV N
May CA N
Muir A N
McDermott T N
Newton FJH N
Newton GL N
Newton LL N
O'Mara FW N
O'Mara G Y
Pepper EC N
Rogers MH N
Sageman SJ N
Simpson SH Y
Smith R Y
Sones WG N
Stanmore J N
Stephens WJ Y
Tause HAG Y
Taylor WG Y
Thomas AL Y
Thomas FW Y
Thomas SC N
Townsend EL N
West C Y
West EJ N
West RH N
Wilson AS Y
Woodman PR N
Zichy-Woinaski CH N
Ricketts CA N