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Stained Glass Window at Dingley Christ Church Anglican Church



387-405 Old Dandenong Road, Dingley, KINGSTON CITY, 3172

Local Government Area:


Heritage Type:

Memorial Artwork, Window





Blessed are thou among women


To the Glory of God and in loving memory of Trevlyn Armstrong 21st Batt. A.I.F. The gift of his parents 1933

Description & History

In August 1933, Miss E.H. Armstrong ordered atwo-light window from Brooks, Robinson & Co., Melbourne, each light measuring aproximately 71 x 16 inches, presumably on behalf of her parents, Henry and Elizabeth Harriet. The cartoonhas beenused at Gretna in Tasmania previously,and for the Dingley commission it was altered, using thehead from another Dancey cartoon instead of the original (a not uncommon practice by the firm). The ornamental architectural canopy and base were designed to match earlier Ferguson & Urie and Brooks, Robinson & Co. windows in the church. The name on the window was 'Trevlyn', although the young soldier's correct full name was Henry Trevalyn Stott Armstrong.

Henry Trevalyn Stott Armstrong, a market gardener known as 'Trev' within his family, enlisted on 28 November 1916. He embarked on HMAT Ballarat in Melbourne and in England he joined 2 Training Battalion, Durrington on 30 April 1917. As part of the reinforcements for 21st Battalion, he was in France in September and reported missing in action on 4 October 1917. On the testimony of Private A. Walker given at an enquiry in February the following year Private Armstrong was deemed to have been 'killed in action'. He was honoured at Buttes New British Cemetery, Polygon Wood, Belgium.

References & Acknowledgements

AWM Roll of Honour; NAA: B2455; Armstrong HTS; Brooks, Robinson & Co. Job Books 1923-c1966

Year Construction Ended:


Conflicts Commemorated:

First World War 1914-18


Wheildon, William , Dancey, George H , Brooks, Robinson & Co

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Deceased Info
Armstrong Henry Trevalyn Stott Y