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Stained Glass Window at Castlemaine Uniting [formerly Presbyterian] Church



4-8 Lyttleton Street, Castlemaine, MOUNT ALEXANDER SHIRE, 3450

Local Government Area:


Heritage Type:

Memorial Artwork, Window



Peace After War


LH "To you, from falling hands, we throw the Torch: Be yours to hold it high, If ye break faith with us who die, We shall not sleep, though poppies grow in Flanders Fields."

RH "They shall no grow old, As we that are left grow old. Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn, At the going down of the sun and in the morning, We will remember them."


To Our Fallen 1914-1919

Description & History

A soldiers' memorial window was dedicated at the morning service on the 13 November 1927 conducted by the Reverend F.A. Hagenauer and Reverend Andrew Dunn and attended by returned servicemen and families of the fallen. Senior-Chaplain Colonel D. McRae Stewart led the dedicatory prayer after the unveiling by General Sir James Whiteside McCay, KCMG, and during the service a wreath was placed by Lieutenant Shelton, President of the Returned Soldiers' Association. The sermon was based on the text of 2 Samuel 2:23, asking the question 'Was War Worthwhile?' and directly referencing the window entitled Peace after War.

The window, made by Brooks, Robinson & Co. to designs by William Wheildon and cartoons by George Dancey, included the figure of the Australian soldier, holding the torch in a field of Flanders poppies. The Australian flag lies in the field, below the feet of the angel in the right hand light.

The men whose names were inscribed in the window: Q Crawford; ND Garden; GS Garden; JG Hodson; R Ireland; R Martin; GW Mitchell; J Strahan; JH Wilson; WA Zeis; J Doman.

References & Acknowledgements

Extract from minutes of the Kirk Session meeting, 13 November 1927; 'Soldiers' Memorial Window', Castlemaine Mail, 2 March 1928.

With thanks to Margaret Levecke for access to the church and archival information on the windows

Year Construction Ended:


Conflicts Commemorated:

First World War 1914-18


Wheildon, William (attributed) , Brooks, Robinson & Co

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To access additional information about individual
service personnel you can search the records of
the National Archives of Australia and the
Australian War Memorial.

Names on Honour Roll

Surname Given Name
Deceased Info
Crawford Q Y
Garden ND Y
Garden GS Y
Hodson JG Y
Martin R Y
Mitchell GW Y
Strahan J Y
Wilson JH Y
Zeis WA Y
Doman J Y