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Stained Glass Window at Kongwak Uniting [former Presbyterian] Church



unknown, Kongwak, SOUTH GIPPSLAND SHIRE, 3951

Local Government Area:


Heritage Type:

Memorial Artwork, Window



Light of the World




To the Glory of God, and in loving memory of Alan F. Bell, James F. Elmore, Arthur J. Grabham, Christopher F. Grabham, Norman P. Rippon, Lawrence K. Scott, Wesley M. Williams, who died in the World War 1939-1945.

Description & History

The small timber Uniting Church at Kongwak is only used for worhip once a month but remains an important reminder of times past in rural Gippsland. The war memorial window is prominently placed and reflects the loss of so many young men from the community. The window, measuring approximately 60 x 26 inches, was ordered from Brooks, Robinson & Co. by Mr.W Morgan in August 1946. The design was taken from the 1933 Hoban Memorial at Wesley Central Mission, Lonsdale Street, Melbourne, Light of the World, which had been adapted from the popular William Holman Hunt painting of the same name. It has not been possible to trace all men who are named on the window.

Sergeant Alan Frank Bell was with 4 C Operational Training RAF when he died in an accident on 27 November 1943. He is buried at Rosskeen Parish Churchyard Extensions, U.K. Privates Wesley Murray Williams and James Frederick Elmore (born 1922) joined the 2/21 Battalion and both lost their lives at Ambon Island, Indonesia: Williams died (presumed) on 20 February 1942 and Elmore died after an illness 23 May 1945. Flight Sergeant Lawrence Kerr Scott was with ATTD RAF Headquarters in the Middle East when his accidental death was recorded on 28 June 1944. Sergeant Arthur James Grabham was navigator on a Hampden Mark I (the 'Flying Suitcase' and obsolete by 1941), with 420 Squadron Royal Canadian Air Force. Five aircraft from the squadron were among 170 from a Bomber Command flight to Essen when Grabham's plane, '136 "N" piloted by Flight Sergeant Reid with crew - navigator Sergeant AJ Grabham and wireless operators/air gunners Sergeant HR Copeland and Sergeant CJ Bunn - was reported missing and the crew perished on 8 June 1942.

References & Acknowledgements

AWM Roll of Honour; www.aquatax.ca/Hampden.html

Church accessed 13 September 2011 with grateful thanks to Enid Patterson

Year Construction Ended:


Conflicts Commemorated:

Second World War 1939-45


Kerr-Morgan, William (attributed) , Brooks, Robinson & Co

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Names on Honour Roll

Surname Given Name
Deceased Info
Bell Alan Frank Y
Elmore James Frederick Y
Grabham Arthur James Y
Grabham Christopher F Y
Rippon Norman P Y
Scott Lawrence Kerr Y
Williams Wesley Murray Y