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Stained Glass Window at Benalla Methodist Church



Corner Carrier and Church Streets, Benalla, BENALLA RURAL CITY, 3672

Local Government Area:


Heritage Type:

Memorial Artwork, Window





As Captain of the Host of the Lord I will Come


In grateful memory of all those who served the Empire in the Great War Erected by the scholars of our Sunday School and the young people of this Church

Description & History

The Methodist Church was established in Benalla by the Reverend John Donnes in 1875. The foundation stone for a new church, designed by AS Eggleston and built by Mr. R Mould, was laid by the Reverend John W Rowse, President of the Victorian and Tasmanian Methodist Conference on 26 March 1930. The new building was reported to cost £5,500 and the soldiers' memorial window was listed among the windows at the time of the opening of the church. The congregation became part of the Uniting Church of Australia in 1977.

The subject of the window is Joshua as he sought God's guidance for the Children of Israel. The camp is seen in the background, while the people were gathered around the walls of Jericho. Old Testament subjects are relatively rare in stained glass, however Joshua is particularly favoured by Methodist churches. The designer and maker of the window is unknown.

An opus sectile plaque below the window listed the names of thirty-six men who enlisted for the church. Stanley L Clay, Herbert Frank Dosser, Howard Nelson, Ernest Cornford and David Briggs all died while in the service of God, King and country.

References & Acknowledgements

Albury Banner and Wodonga Express, 10 October 1930, p. 43; Argus, 6 October 1930, p.14; North Eastern Ensign, 26 September 1930, p. 3.

Year Construction Ended:


Conflicts Commemorated:

First World War 1914-18



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service personnel you can search the records of
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Names on Honour Roll

Surname Given Name
Deceased Info
Ambler George R N
Edwards Allan Witt N
Thorpe Allan N
Wardle James Arthur N
Cornford Ernest Y
Oliver Clifford N
Richardson Fred G N
Taylor Benjamin N
Pederick Ernest N B.A.
Thorpe Matthew N
Briggs David Y
Collins Wilfrid A N
Sorensen Edmund A N
Morrison Harold J N
Gorwell Frederick N
Williams Bertie G N
Taylor William H N
Stevenson Valentine N
Hair Hugh L N
Sherwill Harrie N
Dosser Arthur N
Nelson Stanley N
Sherwill William N
Clay Stanley L Y
McClure Alexander D N
Dosser Herbert Frank Y
Nelson Howard Y
Jones Bertrude N
Wale Keith R N
Fairbridge Edward C N
Westgarth Harold C N
Cranage Bertram N
Rattray George Wm N
Swaby Walter Raymond N