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9 New Street, HAMPTON VIC 3188 - Property No B2751


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Former Wimmera Bakery

80 Millswyn Street,, SOUTH YARRA VIC 3141 - Property No B2394

The Wimmera Bakery was built 1889-90. It comprised a shop, a two-storey bakery and flour loft and a dwelling. Unclassifiable, because renovations altered building. Only pediment remains intact.


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Wimmera House


356 Aberdeen Street, HERNE HILL VIC 3220 - Property No B1189

The house was originally known as 'Tamar' and was built for John Honeychurch Down in 1858-60. The architects,Backhouse & Reynolds designed this Italinate style, 2 storied masonry residence using restrained motifs derived from Victorian era pattern books. The house was renamed 'Wimmera House' by William H. Lloyd, a former Wimmera district miller who acquired the house in 1883. First Classified: 23/10/73. Revised: Local: 3/8/98.



Jeparit Bridge over the Wimmera River

Wimmera River Bridge, Jeparit

Adjacent to N side, Nhill-Jeparit Road,, JEPARIT VIC 3423 - Property No B7067

The Jeparit Bridge was built in 1891, opened in 1892, and is one of Victoria's oldest surviving timber road bridges. The bridge has seven timber-beam spans 26 feet (7.9 metres) in length, with extremely rare squared-timber strutted-corbel construction supporting timber stringers, and a total deck length of 182 feet (54.6 metres). The deck width is fifteen feet (4.5 metres) between heavy timber kerbs, The timber piers each consist of seven piles, including one raker pile on each ... more



Wimmera Farm Buildings (Including thatched barns)

HORSHAM VIC 3400 - Property No B5656


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Wimmera Stock Bazaar

Hamilton Street,, HORSHAM VIC 3400 - Property No B7128

The Wimmera Livestock Bazaar, designer unknown, built in 1936, is historically and architecturally important at the State Level. Historically, it is one of the few livestock 'Bazaar' buildings remaining in Victoria, and probably the most elaborate. Bazaars, also known as 'rings', where livestock, particularly horses, were paraded for inspection and sold undercover, were once dotted across Victoria. This building is the last remnant of the original stockyards, once a feature of ... more



Wimmera River Rail Bridge

Wimmera Highway crossing (beside),, QUANTONG VIC 3401 - Property No B6910

The Wimmera River single-track railway bridge at Quantong is the surviving remnant of an earlier much longer eighty-seven span rail-over-river bridge built in 1887, as part of the Horsham-Noradjuha spur line. This line of just under twenty miles in length was authorized under Duncan Gillies' 'Octopus Acts' of 1884, later becoming the Horsham-Goroke-Carpolac line. Some bridge sections were converted to earth embankment in the years after World War 1, leaving three independent ... more



Former Wimmera Flour Mill & Silo Complex

N.B. Love ,  Fraynes of Stawell ,  Brunton & Co. Flour Mill

Gibson Street,, RUPANYUP VIC 3388 - Property No B6331

The Wimmera Flour Mill &wheat silos are of State significance as the first reinforced concrete bulk wheat storage silos to be constructed and operated in Victoria. They are demonstrative of the basic change in grain handling from bagged wheat to bulk transport and storage which occurred in Victoria between 1910, when these first silos came into use, and the (1950s?), when the entire wheat crop was handled in bulk. The silos are also significant as the first application ... more



Wimmera River - Horseshoe Bend

Horseshoe Bend Road, DIMBOOLA VIC 3414 - Property No L10164


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Wimmera River - Horseshoe Bend

WAIL VIC 3414 - Property No L10164

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