National Trust Database - Search Results

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Displaying 1- 3 of 3 records found
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Winstanley Industries Pty Ltd

87 St Georges Road,, NORLANE VIC 3214 - Property No B5725

Winstanley's is a large engineering firm employing about 70 people, and is probably the largest pre-1945 engineering firm surviving in Geelong, both in terms of the number of employees and the size of items which can be manufactured. The firm has a few machine tools, a forge and two furnaces which may date form the inception of the firm. However most of their current machinery is only 10 years old, and the building only twelve years old, and so reflect little of the ... more



State School No 550 - Stanley

Main Road,, STANLEY VIC 3747 - Property No B2606


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Athenaeum & Library - Stanley

Main Street, STANLEY VIC 3747 - Property No B3835

A simple rectangular brick structure, with a small front porch, erected in 1874 for use as a library. An additional room at the rear was added in 1891; the building is still used as an independent library run by a locally elected Committee.

