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Former Mcpherson's Hardware Showrooms And Warehouse

546 - 566 Collins Street,, MELBOURNE VIC 3000 - Property No B4095

The former McPherson's Pty. Ltd. Building was erected in 1934-35 as a reinforced concrete warehouse, office and showroom for the hardware merchant empire headed by Sir Wiliam McPherson. S.P. Calder, Reid and Pearson were architects in association for the design of this international style building with a facade of broad, horizontal bands of glass, terrcotta and black "carrarra" structural glass. Stainless steel letters in a modern type identified the premises, as did the enormous ... more



Former Car Showrooms

Royce Hotel ,  Badenach House

375 St Kilda Road, (Cnr Bromby Street), SOUTH YARRA VIC 3141 - Property No B4870

Following from the popularisation of Architectural Terracotta by its use on American Buildings such as the Woolworths Building (1903) and the Chicago Tribune Offices (1925), the Melbourne Architect, Harry A Norris, pioneered its use in Victoria with the Nicholas building (1926-7), in Swanston Street, and two years later, on these motor car showrooms for Kellow-Falkiner Pty. Ltd, (also known as Badenach House) In this building its use as a wall finish, combined with stucco, ... more



Former E. S. & A. Bank

Car Showroom ,  Former ANZ Bank

705 Burke Road,, HAWTHORN VIC 3122 - Property No B4892

The Former E.S. & A. Bank, Camberwell Junction was erected in 1885. The contractor was Alfred George Moore and the architects were Wardell and Vernon. The two storey brick structure has a simple slate clad roof with stepped gables. The main entrance to the building is from Riversdale Road and is expressed by a projecting vestibule. The Burke Road elevation contains a centrally located bay window on the ground floor. Stylistically this bank is reminiscent of the Northern ... more

