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456 Upper Heidelberg Road, HEIDELBERG VIC 3084 - Property No B1150

Serindip, 456 Upper Heidelberg Road, Heidelberg, is a single storey house believed to have been erected for Englishman John Bear circa 1859. The stuccoed brick house is constructed on bluestone foundations and has a slate roof. There is an encircling timber verandah with shaped ( later?) brackets. Sets of triple windows are located about the central doorway, all of which have architrave-type surrounds. Serendip, 456 Upper Heidelberg Road, Heilelberg, is a substantial early ... more




Serendip ,  Windermere

Windermere Road, LARA VIC 3212 - Property No B1275

The extensive brick and stone homestead Pirra (formerly Serendip and Windemere) was constructed firstly as a modest colonial vernacular style house of unknown date for pastoralist George Fairbairn. In 1880 Alexander Davidson and Co., architects, designed the two storey brick mansion house addition in an eclectic Victorian style and ornately enhanced with an elaborate encircling iron verandah and interior plasterwork. Pirra at Lara is one of the most distinctive of Alexander ... more

