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29 Walcott Road, KANAGULK VIC 3401 - Property No B1407

AHC Statement of Significance The single storey stone homestead and stables at Fulham near Balmoral date from the 1840s and were constructed for wealthy pastoralist and former Van Dieman's Land settler, George Armytage. Fulham homestead is built of coursed rubble basalt with a steep pitched roof forming a wide encircling verandah supported on close centred timber posts. French doors open onto this space. Fulham homestead near Balmoral is one of the most distinctive ... more



Fulham Park Homestead

Myrtlebank Road, FULHAM VIC 3851 - Property No B2965

A most pleasantly proportioned two-storeyed house, dating from 1889, commanding a grand vista across the river to the north, with four rooms disposed as single-storey corner pavilions in a Palladian fashion and with the remains of a rear service courtyard with a charming gabled stable on axis with the house. The interior still has simple marble fireplaces, an elegant stair and a fan-light over the door, has suffered some alteration and the timber brackets of the north verandah are ... more



Kanagulk Railway Bridge

Fulham Railway Bridge

Glenelg River floodplain,, KANAGULK VIC 3401 - Property No B6921

Kanagulk Railway Bridge was built in 1917, as part of the Hamilton-East Natimuk Railway linking the Wimmera to Portland, and is a 31 span all-timber-beam single track rail bridge. The 5 spans crossing the river are 20 feet; the spans crossing the floodplain are 15 feet. Kanagulk Railway Bridge is 160 m long and 8.23 m high. The line was closed in 1979. Kanagulk Railway Bridge is of historical, technical and aesthetic significance to the State of Victoria. Kanagulk ... more

