Other Names

St. Austell (42 Peart St) ,  House, Extra ,  AeroView (13A Steele St) ,  Adelong (32 Jeffrey St) ,  Rostrevor/Hylands (27 Tuner St)




Rec for HO area contributory

Statement of Significance

What is significant?
'St Austell', comprising the house constructed c.1895 and stables at 42 Peart Street, Leongatha is significant. 'St Austell' is a late Victorian transitional timber villa. Asymmetrical in plan, it has a hipped roof with projecting gables to the front and on the south side and return verandah contained between the bays. There are 'rams horn' finials to the gable ends, suggesting that there was once ridge capping. The verandah is supported by original cast iron posts with ornate brackets and the house is clad in what appear to be original round-edged weatherboards with three rows of boards with 'shiplap' profile at about mid-wall height. The windows to the main elevation, the projecting bays and along the north side are paired double hung sash. Except for the windows below the verandah, these have original metal window hoods. The original four-panelled front door has sidelights and highlights. There is one corbelled brick chimney. The stables, situated at the rear of the property, is a small gabled timber building built on the side boundary. It has small windows in the gable ends.

Non-original alterations and additions to the house and stables, and the carport are not significant. The low picket fence along the frontages is sympathetic, but not significant.

How is it significant?
'St Austell' is of local historic, architectural and aesthetic significance to South Gippsland Shire.

Why is it significant?

Historically, they are some of the earliest surviving houses in Leongatha and are representative of the more substantial houses built for prominent families and businesspeople as the town grew and became established by the end of the nineteenth century. St Austell, and these other buildings, is associated with the first phase of development of Leongatha in the late nineteenth century. St Austell is notable as a very intact example that is complemented by an early stables block. (Criteria A & B)

St. Austell is notable for its fine detailing and very high degree of intactness. Of particular note are the cast iron verandah posts and brackets, which are rare in South Gippsland. (Criterion E)


Community Facilities

