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Other NameLemon Scented Gum LocationGlenburn Bend Park, Elm Road,, GLEN IRIS VIC 3146 - Property No T12116
File NumberT12116LevelRegional |
Contribution to landscape The tree is a mature example of this species and makes an excellent contribution to the landscape. It is a prominent landmark in the area. It has a very solid trunk to about 2.5m which then divides into five spreding limbs. Its bark is vivid pink with blue-grey patches. It is claimed that the tree was originally part of a large suburban garden which was acquired by Vic Roads to facilitate the construction of the Monash Freeway.
Outstanding example of the species
It is located at the end of Elm Road, less than 100m from the car park on the north east side of Monash Freeway.
Measurements: 03/03/2008
Girth (m): 3.2
Spread (m): E-W 20.8; N-S 23.5
Height (m): 16.5
Estimated Age (yrs): 90
Condition: Good
Access: Unrestricted
Classified: 28/04/2008
Parks, Gardens and Trees