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Other NameRadiata Pine, Monterey Pine LocationWombat Park, Midland Highway,, DAYLESFORD VIC 3460 - Property No T12106
File NumberT12106LevelState |
Contribution to landscape of historic garden Access: Restricted
Outstanding size
These three Pinus radiata are growing in the private garden of Wombat Park Estate and are probably some of the oldest specimens of this species in the State, with the largest known girths. The garden is of horticultural and historic significance itself and contains some of the oldest cultivated trees in the district.
The garden was first planted in the early 1850s and continuously developed throughout the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.
Both the house and the garden are classified of State Significance
Measurements: 25/06/2007
Tree 1:
Spread (m): 17
Girth (m): 6.99
Height (m): 40.5
Tree 2:
Spread (m): 15
Girth (m): 6.01
Height (m): 44
Tree 3:
Spread (m): 17
Girth (m): 5.16
Height (m): 39.2
Estimated Age (yrs): 135
Condition: Good
Classified: 03/10/2007
Parks, Gardens and Trees