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Other NameLemon-Scented Gum Location51 Bull Street,, CASTLEMAINE VIC 3450 - Property No T12086
File NumberT12086LevelRegional |
Contribution to landscape This tree is one of the best examples of this species in the region and makes a significant contribution to the landscape. It is not indigenous to this region but its location on top of the hill away from frosts has allowed it to grow to maturity. Located opposite Buda historic house and garden, this tree is admired greatly by local residents. Measurements: 23/08/2010 Access: Restricted
Particularly old
Outstanding size
Aesthetic significance
Outstanding example of the species
Measurements: 18/02/2005
Spread (m): E-W 25; N-S 23
Girth (m): 3.6
Height (m): 22
Estimated Age (yrs): 60-100+
Spread (m): E-W 19; N-S 21
Girth (m): 5
Height (m): 23
Condition: Good
Classified: 07/09/2005
Parks, Gardens and Trees