Eucalyptus tricarpa

Other Name

Red Ironbark


Tait-Hamilton Road,, CORNELLA VIC 3551 - Property No T12078

File Number




Statement of Significance

Contribution to landscape
Particularly old
Outstanding size
Aesthetic significance

This tree is a very fine specimen and possibly one of the largest Ironbarks in the area. It is located in a gully giving some wind protection and the advantages of a concentration of moisture and nutrients and is the largest of approximately 60 trees. It has an unusual taper at its base which is probably from high nutrient loads and adds to the girth measurement. There are no signs of regeneration in the area but multiple stumps nearby. There are signs of current and ongoing firewood cutting and the area is heavily grazed by sheep. Tunnel erosion is evident in the gullies.
The tree is part of remnant vegetation in the 'Golden Triangle' adjoining the Cornella Bushland Reserve. It is one the three regal timbers: Ironbark, Huon Pine and Karri.

Girth (m): 5.3
Spread (m): E-W 21.3; N-S 19
Height (m): 32.5
Estimated Age (yrs): 210-250
Conditon: Good

Access; Restricted
Classified: 09/09/2004


Parks, Gardens and Trees

