Eucalyptus aggregata

Other Name

Black Gum


Woodend-Tylden Road, WOODEND VIC 3442 - Property No T11993

File Number




Statement of Significance

Rare or localised:

Located on the roadside reserve 1km west of Woodend Post Office. In Victoria, E. aggregata is restricted to nine small stands in seasonally inundated ' frost hollows' around Woodend. Otherwise the species occurs mainly on the NSW south and central tablelands, but is not common.
The stands have been surveved by the Department of Botany at LaTrobe University who are working on the distribution and conservation status of plants which are rare or endangered in Victoria. They consider the Black Gum to be rare, particularly as some of the stands surveyed do not contain juveniles.

No data at present
Estimated Age (yrs): 70
Condition: Fair

Access: Unrestricted
Classified: 14/01/1982


Parks, Gardens and Trees


Tree groups - copse