Phoenix dactylifera

Other Name

Date Palm


Royal Botanic Gardens, Birdwood Avenue, MELBOURNE VIC 3004 - Property No T11882

File Number




Statement of Significance

Contribution to the historic garden
Rare or localised
Particularly old

The oldest known surviving cultivated tree in the Royal Botanical Gardens, and possibly Victoria. Originally planted in the Collins Street garden of Dr Godfrey Howitt in 1839, who was a keen botanist and horticulturist and a member of the first Committee of Management appointed for the Gardens by Governor La Trobe. The Date Palm was transplanted as a gift to the Gardens in the 1880s.

Measurements: 01/1983
Spread (m): 4.4
Girth (m): 1.25
Height (m): 8.7
Condition: Fair
Estimated Age (yrs): 144

Measurements: 2003
Spread (m): E-W 5; N-S 5
Girth (m): 1
Height (m): 7
Estimated Age (yrs): 164
Condition: Fair

Access: Unrestricted
Classified: 27/01/1983


Parks, Gardens and Trees

