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Other NameOsage Orange LocationUniversity of Melbourne, 156-292 Grattan Street,, CARLTON VIC 3053 - Property No T11864
File NumberT11864LevelState |
Horticultural value
Historical value
Outstanding example of species
Located in the Systems Garden, this is a large specimen notable for being a male tree and for its single trunk. The majority of the species is multi-trunked. The tree was planted by Frederick McCoy during Baron von Mueller's time c.1860-1870s and is now part of the remnant collection of plants systematically arranged by taxonomic order in the Garden.
Works in the vicinity have resulted in compaction and root damage to the tree.
Measurements: 18/09/1991
Spread (m): 14.2
Girth (m):2.8
Height (m): 14.6
Estimated Age (yrs): 120
Condition: Good
Classified 19/09/1991
Parks, Gardens and Trees