Corymbia ficifolia

Other Name

Flowering Gum


Wallace Street,, APSLEY VIC 3319 - Property No T11768

File Number




Statement of Significance

Aesthetic significance

An attractive tree notable for its dense and rounded crown. It is the largest and best example of flowering gum in the district . Due to its size and intense flowering it makes a significant contribution to the landscape.

Measurements: 1981
Spread (m): 17.1
Girth (m): 2.55
Height (m): 15
Estimated Age (yrs): 52
Condition: Good

Measurements: 24/01/2004:
Spread (m): N-S16; E-W12
Girth (m): 3.8
Height (m):15
Estimated Age (yrs): 64
Condition: Fair

From 2021 Council minutes - Resolution: The biggest flowering gum in the Southern Hemisphere at Apsley be trimmed back to the extent necessary for safety and it is given a chance to coppice. That branches that are removed be allowed to be retained and that a "This was the largest flowering gum in the Southern Hemisphere "sign be erected.

Access: Unrestricted
Classified: 08/02/1990


Parks, Gardens and Trees

