Quercus robur

Other Name

English Oak


High Street, TERANG VIC 3264 - Property No T11704

File Number




Statement of Significance

Contribution to landscape.
Aesthetic significance

An impressive avenue of 118 trees, located between Estcourt and Lyons Streets. Located on the Princes Highway the trees are an important planting in the township, aided by the trees' even spacing and size. A photograph of High Street in 1888 show the trees approximately 10 years old. This avenue is possibly the oldest intact avenue planting in Victoria.
This planting represents an early fashion in street tree planting in the 1870s-1880s of deciduous trees rather than fast-growing conifers and Blue Gums.
A carpark has placed some trees under stress and there is a conflict with powerlines.

Measurements: 04/1987
Spread (m): 20.2
Girth (m): 2.3
Height (m): 16
Estimated Age (yrs): 100
Condition: Good-Fair

Access: Unrestricted
Classified: 09/04/1987


Parks, Gardens and Trees

