Banksia marginata

Other Name

Silver Banksia


lllabarook-Moonlight Road,, ILLABAROOK VIC 3351 - Property No T11685

File Number




Statement of Significance

Contribution to the landscape

An isolated occurrence of Silver Banksia growing on a railway reserve in conjunction with Allocasuarina Verticillata. The area also contains remnant herbaceous plants. Trees have been cleared from surrounding land and improved pastures developed. There is no regeneration evident amongst the stand. The trees are generally in excellent condition and are the only group examples remaining of the original flora
The stand is located on the west side llabarook-Moonlight Road.1.5 km from Cape Clear-Rokewood Road,.

Measurements: 03/1984
Spread (m): 9.2
Girth (m): 2.65
Height (m): 7.5
Estimated Age (yrs): 150
Condition: Good

Measurements: 16/08/2010
Spread(m): NS 10 EW10
Girth (m): 2
Height (m): 10
Condition; Poor - only 12 of original 40 trees remain

Access: Unrestricted
Classified: 08/03/1984


Parks, Gardens and Trees


Tree groups - copse