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Other NameSierra Redwood Location'Alton' 239 Alton Road, MOUNT MACEDON VIC 3441 - Property No T11672
File NumberT11672LevelState |
Contribution to historic garden or park An outstanding example of the species displaying the typical conical corm. The tree is a prominent feature in the landscape, dominating the southern views of the garden. The tree is the third largest recorded example of the species in Victoria and the second largest girth. Access: Restricted
Outstanding example of species
It is located south-east of the tennis court in shrubbery.
Measurements: 01/03/1998
Spread (m): 15
Girth (m): 7.7
Height (m): 43
Estimated Age (yrs): 130
Condition: Good
Classified: 17/12/1998
Parks, Gardens and Trees