Pinus contorta var. latifolia

Other Name

Lodgepole Pine


Calder Highway, GISBORNE VIC 3437 - Property No T11625

File Number




Statement of Significance

Rare or Localised

An attractive tree with a narrow crown. This species is uncommon in cultivation in Victoria. Other known examples occur at Marysville and State plantation at Narbethong. The tree has attractive scaly bark, grey in colour. The many elm suckers nearby should be removed and a Fraxinus ornus is growing west of the tree. The park also contains a number of fine specimens including Pinus nigra var.maritima, Pinus ponderosa, Cupressus torulosa and many fine Elms and Oaks.
The tree is located opposite entrance to Shankey Reserve.

22/09/2014 Tree deceased and demolished

Measurements: 19/07/1988
Spread (m): 5.4
Girth (m): 1.7
Height (m): 18
Estimated Age (yrs): 70
Condition: Good

Measurements: 22/03/2010
Spread (m): 8
Girth (m): 2
Height (m): 22
Estimated Age (yrs): 92
Condition: Poor .Tree crowded by other trees around the canopy & is sparsely leafed.

Access; Unrestricted
Classified: 11/08/1988


Parks, Gardens and Trees

