Cupressus sempervirens

Other Name

Italian Cypress


Geelong Western Public Cemetery Minerva Road, GEELONG VIC 3220 - Property No T11622

File Number




Statement of Significance

Historic cemetery
Outstanding example of species

Plantings are 7.5 metres apart. An outstanding avenue making a major landscape impact and providing a strong vertical element along the drive. The tallest tree measures 3.5m circumference at ground; 17.25m height; 5.5m spread. Two stumps are present in the avenue and gaps where other trees may have grown.Two Melaleucas have been inappropriately planted in the avenue. About 14 other trees of similar size and age are planted along the outer paths. The planting may be part of Mueller's gift of 250 shrubs and 200 seed varieties supplied to the cemetery.

Measurements: 27/07/1992 (for tree west of shelter)
Spread (m):6
Girth (m): 1.78
Height (m): 15
Estimated Age (yrs):120
Condition: Good

Measurements 11/04/2004
Spread (m): 6
Girth (m): 1.78
Height (m): 18
Estimated Age (yrs): 132
Condition: Good

Access: Restricted
Classified: 12/08/1992


Parks, Gardens and Trees


Tree groups - avenue