Brachychiton discolor

Other Name

Queensland Lacebark


Geelong Botanic Gardens, Eastern Beach,, GEELONG VIC 3220 - Property No T11602

File Number




Statement of Significance

Tree which occurs in a unique location or context and so provides a contribution to the historic garden or park;
Outstanding size:

Located 20 metres East of Traill Fountain
An outstanding tree and the largest known example in cultivation in Victoria. Other notable specimens occur in the Royal Botanic Gardens,(H gate) and corner Domainand Punt Roads, Portarlington PreSchool Centre and VCAH Burnley. This tree has several very large upright branches within the crown. The tree underwent tree surgery in 1984 and flowers will in summer with pink-red bell-shaped flowers. It is possible that the tree was pollarded at some stage..

Measurements: 2/09/1989
Spread (m): 17.8
Girth (m): 3
Height (m): 18
Estimated Age (yrs): 120
Condition: Good

Measurements: 28/03/2004
Spread (m): N-S 15; E-W18
Girth (m): 5.77
Height (m): 20
Estimated Age (yrs): 135
Condition: Good

Access: Unrestricted
Classified: 9/11/1989.


Parks, Gardens and Trees

